12:51 Aug 20, 2023
'Hey guys! Today we are doing the draw and eat challenge! We will be given 4 kinds of food to paint for 10 minutes per food.  The person who can paint as close as the original will get 1 point from mommy Rain and he/she can eat the food as well.  We also posted the painting to our Instagram and FB page too.  You can be able to judge the painting but we wont put whom it belongs to.  The person with the most likes from IG and FB per painting will get 1 point! Let\'s see how good our drawing skills are!  Who do you think will win?  Enjoy and have fun watching!   INSTAGRAM - kayceerachel_family https://www.instagram.com/kayceeerachel_family/?hl=en  FACEBOOK PAGE Page https://www.facebook.com/KAYCEERACHEL1/    VISIT OUR OTHER CHANNELS!    RACHEL WONDERLAND https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLmjrj9ZvStUlauvMl5fmmw   TRAVIS in WONDERLAND https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLd4gRsLBTAPXuD4yB3ceDQ   KAYCEE WONDERLAND - Kaycee\'s cover of her favorite songs, vlogs and challenges https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfaJVVAQOQ56gf7JYWVugMg  #KayceeAndRachelInWonderlandFamily #FoodChallenge #DrawingChallenge #DrawAndEatChallenge #KayceeWonderland #RachelWonderland' 

Tags: food challenge , Kaycee and Rachel , Kaycee , kaycee and rachel wonderland family , kaycee and rachel in wonderland family challenge , food challenge kids , draw and eat challenge , draw and eat kaycee , draw and eat rachel , kaycee painting , rachel painting , kaycee and rachel painting , kaycee and rachel wonderland food challenge , draw and eat challenge wonderland family , kaycee and rachel in wonderland food challenge , kaycee and rachel in wonderland family draw and eat challenge

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